So where is the world going ?
Why do I sometimes ask myself if girls and boys are really so cruel ?
Where are my real friends ?
Why don't I trust myself ?
What could anyone have really done about all those sacrifices ?
Yes, nobody's trustworthy, but life should still be nice
And it doesn't really matter if people are still so cruel to those they love
They have to forgive each other, of course, swallow their pride
Why does everyone lie to and cheat on each other to the point of dragging each other into total misery ?
Giving someone my trust and my love,
Why does that terrify me so much ?
Is this really normal ?
No, it's not normal.
And I
Don't want to be a fool anymore
I don't want to waste my life on dramas
That always end in tears or nightmares
I don't want to feel like garbage anymore
I don't have any more respect for myself
I don't have any more respect for you
Too bad it's like that
Too bad it's like that
I'm off on my way
You're already very very far away
A long way behind me
A long way behind me
Yes, that drama was good
For silencing my shocked expression once and for all
I'm leaving like I came, even more disappointed
And the worst part about that is that I'm still a stranger to you
Out of pity, stop sinking daggers into my back
Or else my body will become a filet of scars which won't have anything inside it except your cruelty
I can't deal with it any more
I want to run very, very far away
I'm crying and sniffling
This is the final tear that makes my eyes overflow and has left me depressed.
So where is the world going ?
So where is the world going ?
Why is it that whenever I want to do something good, everything goes all wrong ?
Why do people lie to each other ?
Why do people cheat each other ?
Do you also ask yourself why life is so complicated ?
Especially when two people love each other and look good together, it all looks so easy
So how is it then that every time it ends in tears ?
I can't deal with dramas anymore
I can't deal with all these torturers anymore
And all these victims
People contradict themselves all day long
They don't know what they want, and that's why they hurt each other
Is this really normal ?
There are some questions that I know I'll never find the answers to
There are some things nobody can do anything about
Of course we have to laugh them off and keep walking
But I
Won't be a fool anymore
I don't want to waste my life on dramas anymore
Which always end in hysterics or nightmares
I don't want to feel like garbage anymore