But where is the world going?
Why do I sometimes wonder if the girls and the oh so cruel boys
where are my real friends?
Why do I doubt myself?
what could one have done about all these sacrifices?
Yes, nobody's faithful and yet life remains always so beautiful
what does it matter if Man remains oh so cruel to those he loves
No doubt we'll have to forgive and put our ego aside
why do people lie all the time and fool themselves/each other
just to end up in total misery?
To trust in someone and give them my heart
why does this concept scare me so?
Is this normal?
No, this is not normal
and I
no longer want to be the good pear*
i no longer wish to waste my life with stories
that always end in tears or nightmares
i no longer want to be sad
I have no more esteem for me
I have no more esteem for you
Too bad for this
Too bad for this
I continue on my way
you are already so so far away
so far away behind me
so far away behind me
yes, it was a beautiful story
to finally silence my gaze stunned, without turning back
i leave the way I came, even more disappointed
and the worst in all of this is that I am still a nobody to you
stop, of pity, putting daggers in my back
or my body will end up becoming a filet of scars
that will keep in me only the worst parts of you
from now on I can do this no longer
I want to leave for someplace far away
I cry and i sniff
these are the tears of too much which leave my eyes
and have made me unhappy
but where is the world going?
where is the world going?
but where is the world going??
Why, everytime I really want to do something do things go awry?
why do people lie?
why do people deceive?
do you, too, sometimes ask yourself why life is so complicated
especially when two people love one another and they appear to be
happy together it all seems so easy
so, why is it that everytime things end in tears?
I've had enough of futile stories
I've had enough of all these executioners
and of all these victims
Man contradicts himself all day long
he doesn't know what he wants and thats why we hurt ourselves
is that really normal?
there are questions where I know that i'll never find the answer
there are things about which we can do nothing
no doubt we'll have to find irony in this and move past it
but I
I would no longer be the good pear
I no longer want to waste my life with stories
that always end in dramas or nightmares
i no longer want to be sad