I stand by
The truth
Of the answers of a child
This is life, life is beautiful
and beautiful.
To live
Not being affraid
To show your happiness,
To sing and nothing less than sing
The beauty of being
eternally a learner.
Oh Lord
I know, I know
Life should be
Way better and surely it will
But this doesn't stop me
From repeating this:
Life is beautiful, it's beautiful
and beautiful.
So life,...
Life - what is it?
Tell me, my brother
Life is the beating
of a heart
It is a sweet illusion
He! Ho!..
And life,...
Is it wonder
or suffering?
Is it joy
Or sorrow?
What is life, what is it,
My brother?
Some say
That our lives
are worth nothing in the world
It is water drop, a crumb of time
That does last not even a second
Others say that
Life is a divine
Deep mistery
It is the blow from God,
Plentiful deed of His love
You say it is opulence and luxury
A man says life means "to live"
A girl says she would rather die
For she has no love
And the correct verb is not "to live" but "to die"
I only know that I trust
And have faith in her
We are the doers of life
Doing it as we can, are allowed or want
Life is always what we want
However wrong it might seem
No one wants death
Everyone wants only health and good luck
And the question keeps spinning in our minds
And our heads go dizzy
I stand by truth
Of the answers of a child
This is life, life is beautiful
and beautiful.