Where do all these roads before me lead ?
Where do these trains I don't take go to ?
The departing ships leave me there on the quay..
I'm starting to get tired , it's true.
I have worn out my soul and my shoes
On every schoolboy's pathway to school,
Here, by a fountain, I'm sitting for a while,
I want to contemplate how time flies.
Have my former friends now gone so far ?
I can still hear their voices n' guitars..
Where are all those who lent me a hand
to carry me me farther on the road ?
to help me live my life by dreaming,
I have followed the sun and the wind
never mixing a drop of water with my wine.
Every day was made a feast of mine..
Where is the woman I've waited for ?
that I thought I'd found but that I lost..
Where is this woman for whom I could stand up
to walk with her to countries afar ?
Yet, here I am, subdued, sitting still,
A foreigner among foreigners,
With my rootless body warmed up by the sun,
And the windrose slowly has wilted..
Where do all these roads before me lead ?
Where do these trains I don't take go to ?
The departing ships leave me there on the quay..
I'm starting to get tired , it's true.
Dam dam dam dam.
Where do all these roads before me lead ?
Where do these trains I don't take go to ?
The departing ships leave me there on the quay..
I'm starting to get tired , it's true.