I want my songs to be caresses,
Or else punches in some faces.
Whoever my aggression is to (1 ),
I want to shake you in your armchairs.
So listen to me a bit,
paper pushers and pig breaths,
Squares, folk enthusiasts, journos.
Since there's my name in your papers,
Since they see my face on TV
Where I sell my poisoned soup,
You got a bit too much on my nerves.
I'm not singer for my friends
And I can be nasty like a dog.
I declare not with Aragon
That poets are always right.
Women are cunts' future
And men are nothing's one (2 )
I have my own future on the counter
Of a top filthy dirty bar,
Hell, where have I put my gun ?
I shall not have my head messed with
By fascists, by leftists,
All them poor indoctrinated guys
Who put my rebellion in the tomb.
All those who call me a rabble-rouser
In their rags I'd never read
"Renaud is dead, he fell into their hands".
All those terminal petit-bourgeois
Who don't speak, don't write, who drool,
Who will live old their pathetic lives,
Have all a corpse in their mouths.
Anyway, I don't sing for those losers
And they haven't heard the last of me.
That's surely not a gold record
Or an Olympia all to myself (3 )
Which could make me change tack,
Which could shut my mouth.
As long as there will be hate in my needles
I shall sing but for nutcases,
Hell, where have I put my gun ?
It's not only kids in the street
Who stick to my ass for a pic'
There are even cops who salute me,
They want me to sign in their hats.
I spit in them and scream out loud
That marine blue makes me puke,
That I don't like work, justice and army.
They shall never see me walk
With the bastards who cast their votes,
To choose the one who'll make them die.
Those kind of days I stay in bed.
I don't care about the crass struggle (4 ),
Every system is disgusting !
I can't stand flags,
Though the black one is the prettiest.
La Marseillaise, even the reggae cover, (5 )
Always made me puke.
Military marches mess me up
And I do fuck your Republic,
Hell, where have I put my gun ?
Since my pocket knife was taken away
One night at Saint-Michel Station,
I no more set foot in protests
Without a nunchaku or a cocktail (6 )
At Longwy as at Saint-Lazare,
No more slogans facing the cops,
But rifles, paving stones, grenades !
To yell at repression
Marching from Bastille to Nation (7 )
When my bros die in jail,
That gives some good conscience to cunts,
Pig breaths and paper pushers
Who put my rebellion in the tomb.
If one day I fall on the floor,
Surely it shall be Baader's fault.
If I die with my nose in the gutter,
Surely it shall be Bonnot's fault. (8 )
For now, my face is on the counter
Of a top filthy dirty bar
But watch out !
I have my hand around my gun !