Nuvolari1 is short
Nuvolari is below normal
Nuvolari has 50 kg of bones
Nuvolari has an exceptional body.
Nuvolari has hands like claws
Nuvolari has a talisman against evil.
His gaze is a hawk's gaze for his children
his muscles are exceptional.
Birds in the skies lose their wings when Nuvolari drives by
Nuvolari is terrifying when he drives by
because the engine is savage as it cuts roaring through the plain.
The trees along the road crawl on the grass
on the walls, glass shards turn into slush
all dust is blown away.
When Nuvolari races, when Nuvolari drives by
people come in droves and lie down on meadows.
When Nuvolari drives by, when Nuvolari races
people wait for him for hours on end
and finally when they hear a noise
they jump to their feet and wave at him
they shout words of love to him
and watch him disappear
as they would watch a mounted soldier
a mounted soldier in the April sky.
Nuvolari is swarthy
Nuvolari has a sharp face
Nuvolari always keeps his mouth shut
he doesn't care about death.
He runs when it rains, he runs under the sun,
for him, three and three is always seven.
He does what he wants with his red Alfa Romeo2
in the flames of a hundred thunderbolts.
Fate always has an extra number when Nuvolari races.
When Nuvolari drives, everyone feel his heart close.
In the race in Verona he is ahead of Bordino3
under hellish weather, rain, hail and wind,
high danger of running off the road, every lap is hell.
But he swerves, slides, he is crushed,
they pick him up as good as dead.
But Nuvolari is born again like a lizard
he beats Varzi4 and Campari
Borzacchini and Fagioli
Brilli-Peri and Ascari.
1. Tazio Nuvolari, an Italian racing driver active during the first half of the 20th century: Pietro Bordino, another racing driver: 4. More Italian racing drivers:
Achille Varzi:
Giuseppe Campari:
Baconin Borzacchini:
Luigi Fagioli:
Gastone Brilli-Peri:
Antonio Ascari: