Your dreams have been sold
Your fists have gripped nails too much
What are you thinking about ?
To our loves
Those things you have lost
In the distance the knife
Thrown toward an immense emptiness
To our loves
The century is dead
But since are still burning
The suns colored with the blood
Of our loves
By the fire
Of your eyes I sit down
At prose’s discretion as testament
To our loves
To our loves
Once the sky went out burning too much
When alcohols call the tune
Of our loves
When sap has left the soil
Our sobs drowned the subway platforms
Of our loves
When tired drums are only beating
The arrival of another war
Of another love
To our fragiles with crying horizons
It appears ocean sings
To our loves
To our loves
To our loves
Your eyes has made wet too much these mad vessels
Which don’t know anymore where to drop anchor
Of our loves
Disorientated searching harbours
Wasted time and former friends
Before loves
Some crumbs eaten for some too big hearts
Some mad vessels on the ocean
Of our loves
To our sorrows, to our joys
To our speeches
To our solitudes, to our laughs
To our loves
To our wars
To our fragiles of our contours
To our sweats on drums
To our loves
To our flags
To us, to our sad
To the strength to love forever
To our loves
To God, to your eyes
To the blazing of fire
To our tragics, to our farewells
To our loves
To our loves
To our loves
To our loves
To our loves