Is my vision dimmed
A trick that my brain is playing on me
Do I see it too bright or too dark
Is there too much day light, or did the night fall too early
is it because I stared at a piano's keys or a checkerboard's tiles for too long
Or I have crossed out too many words
Like in the cinemas of yesteryears
I am watching the world in black and white
Black, deals of the dream traffickers
White, the sheet we stretch on those who died of it
Black, the blood of earth
and the gold that gushes from it
White, the color money turns in paradise
Black, floods and smokes
And the wrath of heaven
White, in the veins of children
The artificial snow
Black , the assaulting gun of a ten year-old soldiers
White, the dresses of brides that are nearly as old
The world is in black and white
Has somebody turned off the light
Or something has blinded me?
Like a lightning in the sky
Which suddenly strikes through the night
Do we have become, without knowing it,
Color blind over time?
in order not to see again one day the color of blood, or is this world really as black as it is white
White , my clown mask
My forehead and
my hair
Black , the veil of women
In the shadow of their God
White, the sparkle of diamonds
And the fingers that wear them
Blacks, the hands and the blood of those who bring them back
Whites, all those blank cheques
For the fiddlers of the war
Black, the future of men
The end of the times
Whites, the extinct corals
The ivory of elephants
Black, the bed of rivers
The rain over the ocean
The world is black and white
We can pray, sing the earth
Drink, and cover ourselves with flowers
Whatever the sleeping pills
We never dream in color
Have I become a clairvoyant
Or I’ve got the eyes of fear?
Should we be seventeen years old
to see the world in color
The world in color ?