Never get up starting with your left foot1
You'll spend a gloomy and fruitless day,
And on top of that, a lot of bad trouble
You'll bring to somebody else and to yourself.
Even if a fly bites your nose,
For sure, you won't be more angry
Than when you get up from bed in the morning
starting with your left foot.
Think only how much the man owes this,
If he steps wrongly once,
Immediately, he is persecuted by bad luck.
Never get up starting with your left foot 'cause
Really, it's not a joke nor a laugh
Anyway, you'll learn it the hard way,
If you try someday.
1. "to get up starting with one's left foot" is a Polish idiom which means to start the day in bad mood. English equivalent of it would be "to get up on the wrong side of bed"