We look strange
When we queue
Ride a lift into the sky
And walk down to the metro
Who knew yesterday, so far away
What we need here,
Who puts the stuff on the shelves
And how does he know, that I'll buy it
Who regrets all the time
Who doesn't ever think about money
Who shakes his head
Until it falls off
Who exerts pressure from above
Who makes plus, plus, plus
Who casts the moulds that tell you
How you have to be
Don't breathe
Don't breathe
Just don't breathe
Don't breathe
Don't breathe
Just don't breathe
Who builds the gyms
And who lays pipelines through the sea
Closes the counters, when he has to
And doesn't hand out packages anymore
Who remains prudent
When everybody's rushing and we hyperventilate
Where do the ones go
Who lose themselves
Who doesn't trust
Even though he knows you
Who attracts bad luck
The way he puts on trousers or a shirt*
And who talks to you
As if he had you over a barrel
Even though he knows
That you can make everything here stop
Not breathing
Not breathing
Simply not breathing
Not breathing
Not breathing
Simply not breathing
You lock yourself in
And you turn blue
Because you're not able
to breathe anymore
Don't you finally want to start breathing again?
Don't you finally want to start breathing again?
Who closes his eyes and counts to a thousand
Who can't fall asleep because his thoughts are to noisy
Who starts a fight because he doesn't want to understand
Who says "See you later" when he wants to go away forever
Forever, forever, forever, forever
Who says "now" and means "forever"
Forever, forever
Who says "yes" and means "forever"
Forever, forever
Who says "you" and means "forever"
Forever, forever