Oh, I couldn’t sleep that night,
I see the sorrow in the dark dream.
Oh, my sister, the Wonder Unseen, (1)
Screens my eye-sockets.
And covering with its wing,
Foretelling destruction to us,
I see the mortal enemy
And the sufferings of my Earth.
Looking up into the blue sky,
Singing praise to us,
Carry up to Falcon
Your sorrowful cry:
“Fly away and follow Yaro-Sun, (2)
Keeping Russians’ faith in the heart,
Slavs’ voice will rise up to gods
With your cry in the captivity of daylight.”
Stop! You’re hearing the echo of a voice back into centuries,
The shapes of past in it are the shadows of the past gods.
Stand in the horizon of lights,
Praise the rising sun:
“Hear me, Yaro! (2)
Burn filth with fire!
Let it be…”
Where falcon flies, (3)
Where its cry is heard,
Rise your eyes to the sky,
Do see the sacred sign!
Hear me, Yaro! (2)
Burn filth with fire!
Hear me, Yaro! (2)
Bring back old times!
Oh, my Wonder Unseen, (1)
Oh, my restless one,
Oh, my soul
Is filled with sorrow.
Oh, we are dying,
My feet leave no prints,
But trouble ain’t here,
While we’re firmly on feet.
Oh, from the Bright-Falcon’s
Broken wing,
The enemy let fly in the wind
A blood scarlet feather.
Oh, my Wonder Unseen, (1)
Oh, my restless one,
Oh, my soul
Is filled with sorrow.