Tenímmoce accussí
ánema e core.
Nun ce lassammo cchiù,
manco pe' n'ora.
Stu desiderio 'e te
mme fa paura.
Campá cu te,
sempe cu te,
pe' nun murí.
Che ce dicimmo a fá
parole amare,
si 'o bbene po' campá
cu nu respiro?
Si smanie pure tu
pe' chist'ammore,
tenímmoce accussí
ánema e core.
How wonderful to know
you really love me.
How wonderful to know
you really care.
How beautiful to feel
my arms around you,
touchin' your hair,
kissin' your eyes,
feelin' your soul.
How beautiful to feel
sunshine and laughter
that fills my empty heart
with love divine.
To share this love with you
now, here, and after.
Tenímmoce accussí
ánema e core.
Si smanie pure tu
pe' chist'ammore,
tenímmoce accussí
ánema e core—
ánema e core—
ánema e core.