Break it baby (4x)
Ne traži ljubav koja već blijedi
Sve od jučer danas ne vrijedi
I kao korak do dna, to si ti
To sam ja, ne, ne
Ne traži ljubav koja već blijedi
Sve od jučer danas ne vrijedi
I zašto sada sam ja kao ti nekada?
Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
Hit me down, step by step
Love is eternal - what a funky concept
Hours on the phone, make it divine
Sip it down slowly like the wine
Gentle whispers 'till the dawn
Get it on, but now it's gone
It's sinkin', sinkin', a step to a bottom
Wanna know 'bout affairs yes I got' em
Shake it up and down
I dani prolaze
Shake it up and down
Meni svejedno je
Shake it up and down
Sve prave ljubavi
Shake it up and down
Umiru kad bol prestane
Shake it up and down
I dani prolaze
Shake it up and down
Meni svejedno je
Shake it up and down
Sve prave ljubavi
Shake it up and down
Umiru kad bol prestane
I was a lover, the woman taker
Ruthless, but never heartbreaker
The ladies step to me and say damn
Why must a woman depend on a man
I wanna know where did I go wrong
And why these two hearts can't get along
Dancin', dancin', hit as I flow
Go along with a tempo
Jumpin', bumpin', let the bass drop
We humpin', don't stop, don't stop
Kickin' back, relaxin' feet ya'll
We're legit, so move on