Wrinkles, cellulites, saggy tits and running mascara
False smiles mixed with logorrhea
The cashier is a part-time whore
Her friendliness is suspicious
The teddy bear longs for someone to give a blowjob
The humour of a childhoods mindset starts to cackle
The boredom arrives like river, I'm looking for a way out
The toy cat has spaghetti in its mouth, no one knows what it is
What's there to learn here?
Noise emerges when the chaos breaks loose
The fire baptizes small children when I blow the shit up
If you think like me, we shall ride
Because then I fe, then I fe, then I feel free
Little horse, little horse, such leaps you take
Is the tai, is the tai, is the tail still still attached
So begone1 and reek and run
And bom sicka bom2 if you understand then run and scream
And come on and bom sicka bom while being nude
And honk and cry and ye-ha then
And bom sicka bom how it banged
1. 'Far och flyg' is an idiom with the meaning of 'begone'2. Just gibberish meant to sound like a rhythm