Every day i tear a page off the calendar
Sunday1is sad
Monday i am happy
and on Tuesday it is a new day
Where i will lie on my back
will turn over onto my stomach
and my brain is running
oo...working like a donkey
i swear by my Mezuzah2i work
and my brain is running
Every day i change from human3to dust
Sunday is black
Monday i shine
and Tuesday i am a new star
Where i will lie on my back...
Every day i wait for a happy end
Sunday almost
Monday you disappeared
and Tuesday i am alone
ans so i will lie on my back
will turn over onto my stomach
and my brain is running
oo...working like a donkey
i swear by my Mezuzah i work
and my brain is running
1. first day of the work week in Israel2. a piece of parchment with text from the Torah in a decorative case mounted on the doorpost of a Jewish home - see the following site (in Hebrew) for the explanation of the line. http://cafe.themarker.com/post/62264/3. lit: material