Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
I've fed this bastard in me since I was a child
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
it's not my best moment, I drank the poison so fast
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
The eastfog moves slowly now from far away, like giants in the sky.
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
Exhausted, I run home again, like the sun sets in the sea.
The new ways come soon, the awful path behind.
The disgrace gave me freedom, I no longer bear cold chains
My father brought me up, but I went another way.
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
I drew back, paralyzed with fear, but smiled to myself
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
Friendship has a price, I never saw this in play.
Ay, how it hurts, oh, this is so painful
A little boy flees now to the mountains, where the clock of fear does not chime.