Spring brought, spring brought mason
Spring brought, spring brought painter
Spring brought buildings a hanslankari1
And to beaches a hamppari2
So much have I suffered
Many tears shed
So many have I made love with
But only one truly loved
So many have I made love with
But only one truly loved
In the summer worked the mason
In the summer worked the painter
in the summer worked the hanslankari
And in the beaches Hamppari
Like a knife cutting into my chest
The last look of yours
It was so cold and proud
So cunning and fraudelant
It was so cold and proud
So cunning and fraudelant
Fall took, fall took the mason
Fall took, fall took the painter
Fall took from building the hanslankari
And from beaches the hamppari
Oh, why was I born dark
And not as light
My darling won't love dark
She only loves light
My darling won't love dark
She only loves light
In winter was hungry the mason
In winter was hungry the painter
In winter was hungry the hanslankari
Hamppari got fat in their castle
So much have I suffered
Many tears shed
So many have I made love with
But only one truly loved
So many have I made love with
But only one truly loved
1. Hanslankari is an assistant or deputy, whom is above the average age2. Hamppari is a lazy untidy person