There are things I wasn't happy with, but I did them anyway
Even though I would never ever like them
And I did all this Just to Impress someone who didn't love me
And when I found out that we didn't stand any chance, It's over
So why I had to stoop down to a level where
I'm still giving in only to stay together
And In the end I realized that after all this love
He left me and deep inside my heart there's a wound that can't be cured
I won't say that this Is my fate or It was my fault
I don't wanna have a chance of admonition between us
It's a mistake that Is and It's accounted for me
Beside everyone who fell In love had gone through this kind of torture
I lived my life to sacrifice It and In the end I did get nothing
But wounds and heart ache that I'm living to heal
And I blame myself because I believed
That his feelings for me are love my heart felt that
I'm rebellious to this situation and the wounds
My heart has to be stronger than this
And before I fall for another one
I will never love anyone with my eyes closed