I not even want to hear about you
I want to go deaf
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis1
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
I not even want to hear about you
But I see you on TV
I want to lose you in the dampness of the corners
Forget about your crazes and die
I'm sure that far from me
You'll never be happy
I forget you every morning
Having some guaraná and listening to Elis1
Well, forget me as well
If you can, if you're able
I don't want more hugs or daggers
I melt and drown regrets
At Pecados Mortaes2
What I want is
To dock my ship at the docks in this Summer
I feel that my heart is tired of bad times
We've been through some rough patches
But I feel that we're attentive
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
I think that by the end of the year
We'll be single
1. a. b. Elis Regina (1945 — 1982) was a Brazilian singer2. A bar where Adriana Calcanhotto performed her first gigs, in Porto Alegre, Brazil