me, my soul and my conscience argue(discuss) day and night
about all problems that turn us around
but where the conscience says yes, my soul says no
so we argue, yes, but to what good?
since I, I have had enough
my me tells me its enough
my me tells me its had enough
for me life is a nightmare
so me, my soul and my conscience argue night and day
I don't know for you, but for me, its every day
that i work my brain and that my soul left in a rustle of wings
so my me has had enough
my me tells me its had enough
problems of conscience, it has enough
for me life is a nightmare
because if the world resembled that which is in the head
its not too hard to understand why all that doesn't turn too net
so me, my soul and my conscience argue night and day
but after my soul is gone, my conscience flees me
but my me, always loyal in battle
continues to whisper quietly
"so then, i've had enough"
my me tells me its had enough
vagueness in the soul, its had enough
for him (me) life its a nightmare
because if the world resembled that which is in the head
its not too hard to understand why all that doesn't turn too net
so me, my soul and my conscience, argue night and day
around a pretty, small lamp shade
we unite our living forces and shout from a single active voice
"so then we had enough
we have told you we've had enough
that our lives are a nightmare "