Outside it's grey
Here I sit by you, drunk.
Do I steal a quick kiss?
Now stop that, you pervert (lit. old sow)!
Darling, let's dance
It's good for blood pressure.
Darling, let's dance,
Cause any jew may dance.
Blacks, they're dark
Secrets are told where it's dark.
It's whites that have the power
That rhymes with sh.. sh.. sh.. (excrement)
Darling, let's dance,
New Year's Eve we'll pour lead*!
Darling, let's sing louder,
Then we too be free as the birds soon!
Pippi isn't a name
And not a beverage either.
And some got to run,
When they only think of pee!
Darling, let's dance,
You're shaking like wallpaper paste! Like wallpaper paste!
My dog's name is Fritz or Franz or something like that,
And when you kick it, it bites.
Do you believe in [sweet] God?
Or in Guevara?
I believe in Deutsche Bank,
Because they pay out with cash! Ouch!
Darling, let's dance!
Do you have 'nother peppermint?
'nother peppermint?
So, and now give me a kiss!
With peppermints I'll be your prince!