I come home, it's already midnight.
And as always, you lie still awake.
You for sure want to do something crazy.
And I say, "OK, I'll just get changed!"
Since you came into my life by chance, there's not been a dull moment for me.
That I now sometimes sleep until noon, you're the reason.
I could do with a year on an island, far away from here.
But in my mind I'd be just with you.
Out on the town in ripped jeans, I can't do that with anyone else.
Disturb all the neighbours at night with loud partying, I can't do that with anyone else.
Over 180 on the motorway, something I can only do with you.
Totally lose myself, out of control, I can't do that with anyone else.
You are in many ways still a big kid, just exactly like me.
And that for you the day only begins at night, that excites me too.
Sometimes I could do with a bit of a break. My battery is almost flat.
But I always want more.
That's how I am only with you.
No one else can do what you do for me.
Only with you can I live life to the limit.