This life means nothing to me
Not a plan, not a dream, not a light left
The only thing I've got now is you
I'd long be dead, if it weren't for you - that's it!
I'll make it better, Imma lift us up from the muck
I don't give a fuck about morals, I shit on the law
I've got a plan, baby, trust me, this'll be a cakewalk
Imma go into the bank now and... - Roger that, I'm with you!
Alright, let's go in there, all or nothing
Gun down everyone you see, so they won't be in the way - Okay!
You see that customer and the woman at the counter?
Watch those two guards coming, go and take 'em out!
While I be bagging in our due dough
More like bagging in our new hope
Come on, let's bail, we'll buy a huge yacht
And then we're off to our new life; I love you!
You're all that I have, my one and only
I know I'd be gone without you
For you I would do everything, honey
I want to live and die with you
Step on it, I can hear the cops 'round the block
No matter what, we're not going in the pen
Keep going now, we're almost there
Just two more miles and we're outta town
That was close, but it was totally worth it
We've got, like, half a million for sure
No more stress, this will get us through for now
Enough for the both of us, or rather, the three
Uh, I'd die for you
If anyone wanted to hurt you, I'd fight for you
Like that guy in the bank
(bam, bam, bam) Nobody messes with ma man!
I'd do all I could
It'll be over soon, we're almost at the end
I'm sure they won't catch us
But anyway, we'll die together
We've got every sheriff's office in the country on our heels
Trust me, sweetie, I'll do everything, so we won't die today
I'll protect you - I'll shoot them down without mercy
I'll have the five-os eating our taillights - hit the gas!
Damn it, hun, we're running out of fuel
What do I do now? The car's slowing down!
It'll maybe last us till that bridge down there
And damn it, I can see the cops closing in already
Okay, no matter what happens, we're not giving up
Even if this is the end, I'm not giving you up
We're gonna get out and finish them all off, a bullet for everyone
I'm not going to jail, I'll kill myself if I have to
I love you, honey, no matter what
Do whatever you have to, just do it with me!
You're everything to me, my life, my soul
Without you my life wouldn't be worth a dime
[News Anchor:]
The two culprits have now left the vehicle after several vigorous exchanges of fire; they're now standing beside the car.
The police is also getting closer by the second.
There seems to be a turn of events; at least it's looking like the two partners in crime are about to surrender now.
They're laying down their guns - no, wait - they're *not* laying down their guns!
They're aiming the guns for each other's head and... (bang, bang)