Sitting on a bench with you for five minutes
And looking at every people passing by
Talking to you about the good time that's passed or that will come again.
While squeezing in my hand your little fingers
And then feeding stupid pigeons.
Booting them just to scare them
And listen to your laughter that can crawl walls apart
And especially heal all my wounds
To tell you about what kind of kid I was
Those wonderful candies that we stole at the shop
Liquorice, mints, caramels for one buck
And the winning Mistrals.
Walking in the rain for five minutes with you
And thinking about life passing by until it's still there.
Telling you about Earth, devouring you with my eyes
Talking a little to you about your mother,
Jumping in the puddles just to make her angry,
ruining our shoes and laughing,
And earing your laugh as we ear the sea,
Stopping, going back again,
And above all telling you about the good old carambars and the coco-boers
And those harsh roudoudous that hurt our lips
And spoiled our teeth,
And the winning Mistrals.
Sitting on a bench with you for five minutes
Looking at the sunset,
Talking about old time that has passed by and about which I don't worry at all,
Telling you that we aren't the bad guys anyway,
And that I am only foolish about your eyes,
Because they are both so nice
And listen to your laughter that goes up as high
As the birds' cries do
And finally, telling you that we must enjoy life
And love it even if time is an assassin
that takes with him the children' laughter
And the winning Mistrals
And the winning Mistrals...