Michaela says, she believes that no man really loves her
and those who do, are too soft, that doesn't do much for her
It is also already hard enough each morning to rise
and before the first cigarette Michaela wants to see no one.
Michaela says, that most men are weakbrained
and in the end everyone always wants something from her
She helps gladly where she can, but eventually enough is enough
Michaela says, you have to know what you do
Michaela says, no matter what you take on the main thing is that it is much
and when finally something happens, always be in the middle of it
Half-measures, they arouse Michaela's anger at best
Michaela says, there is excitement now a days only in the forefront
Michaela says, she cannot suffer/stand Sundays
because there all the people drift about just like jellyfish throughout the day
and what she doesn’t like at all are shops that are closed for her
Michaela says, she wants to eventually have a child
Michaela says, today nothing is in any case permanent anymore
and whether something is worth anything, one knows only afterward
Of great plans for the future Michaela wants to hear nothing more
Tomorrow is the same to her, but this evening she comes gladly
Michaela says, she loves us all terribly/a lot
and we gladly reply, that we feel the same
Wherever Michaela stands, there is always the majority
Michaela laughs and says: Whatever!