Oh, come along songs for I am happy;
so that I might be able to forget my feelings,
I want them to play my favorite one,
so it might brighten my life.
Inside of my soul I carry an emptiness
from a desire that's left me bent;
cling your glasses now while you're still able,
when all is said and done, nothing else matters.
Although they might tighten my strap too hard
out of pure delight I'll neigh, 1
because the lovers that I keep2
come and go like the sea waves.
I'm happy, I repeat this -
and I want to cry out,
because I can't forget that ungrateful woman
when they play my favorite one.
1. he compares himself to a horse here, but says it in a way that he likes being mistreated (in the sense that he's always looking to be hurt in one way or another whether he wants to or not). I don't know how you say it in English, but we say 'le gusta la mala vida'.2. lit. 'that entertain me'