My girlfriend is called Queca
and Gada is her last name
pronouncing it non-stop
I think is a hassle 1
but what irritates me
and increases my misfortune
is my last name Verdura
imagine the joke
of calling herself married
Queca Gada de Verdura 2
I'm seeing a lawyer
who's leaving me broke
to fix this thing
of bad thought names
I have a kilo wasted
in lots of papers
and this idiotic doctor
wants to call me Tocino
and to call my wife
Queca Gada de Tocino 3
I changed my last name again
and we broke the engagement
but soon luck wanted
to fall in love again
and without asking anything
I married like a stupid
and the patience explodes me
because my wife is now
the sweet and beautiful Mrs
Conche Tina de Ricota 4
1. "Que cagada" means "what a crappy"2. "What a crappy vegetable"3. "What a crappy bacon"4. "Cunt of Ricota"