Minä olen minä (I am I)
Sinä olet sinä (You are you)
Ei muuta (Nothig else?) Nothing more
Ei muuta nothing more
Sinä yksin sinä (You alone you)
Minä pelkkä minä Me, only me
Se siitä and that's it
Se siitä that's it
Mistä minä otan from where i take
voimaa, jota ilman power, without what
ei jaksa i'm not able
vaan nousta to get up
Where are you, pride
you (the pride) would say then
You won't pay for this anymore
I never knew, how to leave
There was no signs
We are not anymore against the world
We are more on our own now (separated)
(Why i'm staying here)
(vielä – still,yet) still by your side
(I don't know)
En tiedä
Sometimes I am
sort of bad, whom
you don't tolerate don't stand
Et siedä
(when we were together)
enemmän more
then on our own (separated)
) Althrough i am coming
(yritan - i try) closer and i try too much,
faded away