With more memories than projects,
With more of a past than a future,
With a precarious present time, as always,
With a life that runs away.
From wide spaces of oblivion
The faced of loved ones return;
Eyes that looked at me,
Mouths that have spoken to me,
The voices that accompanied me...
Those feet that taught me
To stand up and walk,
And those hands that protected me
By holding my hands,
And the arms that embraced me.
There was such an intangible sweetness
Living all around me!
I have felt so very loved...
I have felt so very loved...
As night draws nigh,
Some memories make me live.
Some memories make me live
As night draws nigh...
With more memories than projects,
With more of a past than a future,
With a precarious present time, as always,
With a life that runs away.
As night draws nigh,
Some memories make me live.
Some memories make me live
As night draws nigh...