Memet, you are still too young, Memet
Naturally you cannot know why this eternal vigil is
Besides, you haven't had enough time
But still, keep on hoping
Memet, we cannot know either, Memet
Whether this will go on forever
Would the world change? Would better times come?
But still, keep on hoping
A human being is such a dark box that
No one could give a true answer if you asked
Words are a man-made language
But still, always speak of life
Memet, your eyes don't stop haunting me, no matter what
You haven't grown up at all, I've recognised you from your face, that of a child
Blood has come from sorrow, from my soul
Think about your mother, be very careful.
Memet, you are still too young, Memet
The mankind is like this in the end.
This one is you, that other one is you too.
Forgive yourself, us and also the world.