White and azure you are
With islands standing there
The rocks and the sea
With seagulls
Mediterranean Sea to see
With oranges
Mediterranean Sea to eat
The mountain over there
And the road that softly comes down
Between the pine trees and the Sun
A town stands
Mediterranean Sea to discover
With churches
Mediterranean Sea to pray
Sit down here
And glance down there
Between the olive trees
The water is dark, almost blue
And up there
A hawk flies
It almost seems it is looking down at us
Standing still
Largest than ever
Look up there
That cloud that goes
Flies down
Into eternity
That long line
Of silent people along the road
Praying softly
Under the Sun
Mediterranean Sea to suffer
Under the Sun
Mediterranean See for dying
Sit down here
And let yourself go like this
Let the Sun
Enter you
And breathe
As much air as you can
The perfumes that
You smell too
Scattered around us
Look up there
That cloud that goes
Flies down
Into eternity