My God, all this traffic jams, how can the happiness be here?
How can we live way with laugh in the morning?
We have splashed the eternity with mercenary crowd ,
To hell with work, I'll go to mother. There are...
Pines that go into heaven,
Roofs are mixed with sun,
Forest buzzes with spring.
There is little house with bluish windows,
Yard, dog with wet legs
It's my friend
I'll meet old stone with moss like with palm
Wind buzzes in it with bells like it used to.
Mother's hands smell of pink buckwheat,
It is the brightest smell of happiness, the best. But...
Fate struck the windows,
My safe roof near to roadside
Is sold.
Mother isn't accessible,
This minute weakness
Will give the warmness back.
Near to pines, to stone and to apple tree,
To kind mother's truths
I'll come back to home.
My eternal friend, dog
Will take with wet legs
My soul with all losses.