And is dawn again
But the world became completely different
She's no more on it
My most beloved and cherished
She never won't come to me, she's gone
Somewhere over the boundaries she found peace
I miss her as the days pass
Without you, I'm lonely without you
I cannot drive away the melancholy of me
Life has become empty without you
I know that only you
Only you could've loved how you did
I'd give everything I have
For only a bit of your warmth
Suns comes up and comes down again
Someone leaves forever, another one arrives
That's life, its flow doesn't change
The house is empty again, I still waiting you to open the door
To sit silently at the table with me
But you are already far
I know, you always with me invisibly,
Like an angel you protect me of troubles
You smile at me, but only in dreams