What fate or curse
commands us, my heart?
Being so lost from each other,…
we are two silent screams
two fados in desharmony
Two disunited lovers
we are two silent screams
two fados in desharmony
Two disunited lovers
I suffer for you and I am dying
I can't find you, neither understand you
I love and hate without reason
Oh heart, when will you get tired
of our dead hopes?
When will you stop, heart?
Oh heart, when will you get tired
of our dead hopes?
When will you stop, heart?
In this battle, in this agony
I sing and cry with joy
I am happy and unfortunate
What a bad fate this of yours is, my chest!
which makes you never feel satisfied
You give everything and have nothing
What a bad fate this of yours is, my chest!
which makes you never feel satisfied
You give everything and have nothing
In the cold solitude,…
that you give me, my heart,..
there is no life, neither death
It is lucidity and blunder…
to read my own destiny,…
Unable to change its course