Hey, Madalena
My heart has just felt,
that the sea is just a drop,
compared to my tears.
You can be sure,
that when our love wakes up,
soon the sun gets desperate
and hides behind the mountains.
Oh, Madalena, what is mine is not to be divided,
(What is mine I will not shared)
and it is also not admitted…
(An neither shall I allow)
that anyone may doubt our love.
(any doubts about our love)
Even the Moon
has the feeling
that our love is real,
(be it) strong or weak, cheerful or sad.
Ei...E...A Madalena...Madalena...Lena...Lena...Ma-da-le-lé...
E Madalena..E Madaléleleléle...la-la-la-lá lalaléle...