My youth’s slipping away
To the poem's finale
Rhyme by rhyme steps beyond
Exhausting its words
My youth’s slipping away
As a green garden alley
Leads to a dried up pond
Now abandoned by birds
No more walks in the woods
No more singing together
Of that childish song
Which was silly and lame
While daydreaming of boys
That at parties then gathered
I forgot the song’s name
I forgot the song’s name
No more walks in the woods
No bloom we can find
It is raining today
Our footprints are gone
Out of those many songs
That were then in my mind
Can’t recall even one
Can’t recall even one
My youth’s slipping away,
A guitar’s gently weeping
My youth’s silent and slow
I can’t stop it, alas
My youth’s moving away
Unrelentingly slipping
And it looks like you did
When we laid on the grass
No more walks in the woods
The fall day’s dark like night
Will the spring be returning -
Am I waiting in vain
For a glimmer of light
For some hope in the morning
That would stop my heart’s pain
That would stop my heart’s pain
No more fun in the woods
For us walking together
My youth’s slipping away
And in it I see you
And your steps make a sound
But you are gone forever
Oh if you only knew
Oh if you only knew