All day on the "phones" *1
At nights in the clubs *2
To you everyone's a soapie *3
What's your "dawin" *4
You talk about Picasso
The men with you are in a lasso
You don't remember what's "Yasso"
What's your dawin?
What's this show-off, what's this show-off,
What's this show-off of yours all about
You want to fly to Basel
And in London to roll around a little,
You don't have money for a Falafel *5
What's your dawin
What's the show-off, what's the show-off,
What's your show-off all about
Everybody makes some wind *6
No, there's no shame in that.
But what's for sure here -
with you it's becoming a storm
What's the dawin, what's the dawin,
What's this dawin of yours
I'm a sleepyhead and a little mental *7
But I was not made by finger *8
I have you figured out *9, Love *10
What's your dawin
What's the dawin...