I was born a Zacatecano1
I was born near here,
I offer everyone a hand
because that's how we are here.
I was a revolutionary
and I fought against Barrón2
he was an eccentric old man,
long live the revolution.
I told Francisco Villa
"let's get this over with,
we will come in from the edge3
in the name of God.
Long live my general Francisco Villa.
With Urbina and with Natera4,
with Carrillo5 on the outcrop,
Maclovio Herrera6 is already here,
the leader of Torreón.
Manuel Chao6 with Cisneros
and Ángeles, a great man,
the Arrietas7 with Bañuelos8,
and Contreras9, the best.
José Trinidad Rodriguez6
Manuel Banda10 in my country,
with Aguirre Benavides11
undeniably they triumphed,
the glorious state of Zacatecas
and the hill of La Bufa.
In the the hill of La Bufa
I shot at the foot of the canon,
none scares me,
I am a very brave man.
Raúl Madero12 shouted:
"Pancho was betrayed and killed,
Huerta, that old bandolero
took advantage of the situation.
Singing I say goodbye
from atop the outcrop,
the Battle of Zacatecas
was for our country's good.
1. demonym for someone born in Zacatecas, Mexico.2. General Luis Medina Barrón was a Mexican military man who participated in the Mexican Revolution.3. from the way it's said, it seems to me like this is General Felipe Ángeles (who planned the attack) and they attacked from all sides because Barrón's men were stationed between two hills; La Bufa and El Grillo.4. General Pánfilo Natera, a general for Venustiano Carranza.5. Lieutenant José Carrillo6. a. b. c. a Mexican General for the División del Norte (loyal to Villa).7. two brothers, General Mariano Arrieta León and General Domingo Arrieta León.8. General José Félix Bañuelos9. General Calixto Contreras Espinoza10. a cruel and bloodthirsty Villista11. General Eugenio Aguirre Benavides12. General Raúl Miguel Hidalgo Madero González