The queen was ill
the daughter of a French king.
She was visited by
counts, dukes and knights.
Her grandmother came in,
acting very innocently:
- "Daughter of my daughter,
what ails you so?" -
-"Mother of my mother,
you know well what ails me,
you've given me medicine
that God will not forgive you for"-
-"Daughter of my daughter,
what will you leave me with?"-
-"Mother of my mother,
nothing in this palace belongs to me"-
-"I have nine castles in France,
those nine are my own
Two I'll leave to the poor,
to the poor, for my love of God;
and I'll leave three to Carles,
Carles, my brother.
and three I'll leave at the altar
to enlighten God"-
-"Daughter of my daughter,
what will you leave me with?"-
-"Mother of my mother,
you know well what ails me,
-"Daughter of my daughter,
what will you leave me with?"-
-"Mother of my mother,
a rope for you to hang on."-