The road is a long ribbon which unfolds, which unfolds
And to lose oneself in infinity far from any town, far from any town
The lorry-driver behind his steering-wheel who vibrates, who vibrates
Never has, never the time to look at the firmament
The day raises itself and goes down on the road which progresses
He must push his machine because it's there that his factory is
Forgetting the other roads which wander around
The lorry-driver never has the time to lose himself in the countryside
If you want to live a long time, pay attention to your steering-wheel
Because the road defends itself if you fall asleep at the wheel
Under the tender grass of spring, the embankment is inviting
But it's the ditch which awaits you if you fall asleep at the wheel
If you see on the horizon mirages, mirages
It's the moment to pay attention because there are sacred bends
From time to time, there are towns, we sleep there, everything is peaceful
You sleep there passing through your fat, howling lorry
The friend in the bunk sleeps above your head
If the time seem long to you, light a cigarette
Every day of the week and at whatever time
Your road is always the same at reading your load
If you want to live for a long time, pay attention to your steering-wheel
Because the road defends itself if you fall asleep at the wheel
The route is a long ribbon which unfolds, which unfolds
And to lose yourself in infinity, far from any town, far from any town
The lorry-driver behind his wheel who vibrates, who vibrates
He never has, never has the time to lose himself in the countryside