At the bottom of the king's prisons...
Deep in the bottom of the king's prisons...
They locked him in the king's prisons,
Sir, tell me,
Why did they do that?
Is it true he'll never come back,
Never, never again...
Because he stole a sparkling diamond
The most beautiful diamonds, for me?
At the bottom of the king's prisons...
Deep in the bottom of the king's prisons...
And I remember one day he told me
"You will be more rich than the ladies of the court."
Is it true that I'll never hear him
Never, never again...
Because he stole a sparkling diamond
The most beautiful diamonds, for me?
At the bottom of the king's prisons...
Deep in the bottom of the king's prisons...
Sir, tell me,
Is he there for life?
Then, throw me in prison with him
And nothing will ever separate us again
Never, never again...
As I stole something, I admit it without fear,
Yes sir, I stole his heart...
At the bottom of the king's prisons...
O my love, I'm coming to you!
Deep in the bottom of the king's prisons...