Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries who will plant everywhere
The kingdom of heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries, on the paths of the world
Carrying God's love.
With feet, it's crazy how much we can do!
Dancing, playing football, skiing, ride a pedalo.
But who's going to sing about missionaries' feet
Going up hill and down dale?
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries who will plant everywhere
The kingdom of heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries, on the paths of the world
Carrying God's love.
Isaiah, prophet and visionary
Writer of the Most High, poet of the Lord
One day exalted the feet of the missionaries, as "messengers of happiness".
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries who will plant everywhere
The kingdom of heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries, on the paths of the world
Carrying God's love.
Francis, Xavier, Peter, Paul and Dominic
Spokesmen of Christ, Champions of Footrace
Went walking around the whole world on their wonderful
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries who will plant everywhere
The kingdom of heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries, on the paths of the world
Carrying God's love.
And when death brings them to St. Peter
Feet in front, worn, hardened, wedged
We'll see them for all eternity, wandering in Heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries who will plant everywhere
The kingdom of heaven.
Oh how beautiful they are! Oh how beautiful they are!
The feet of the missionaries, on the paths of the world
Carrying God's love.