Children of war
Aren't really children
They are as old as stone
Of iron and blood
By the tears of mothers
They had their eyes opened
By days without mystery
And a world on fire
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've known the earth
On fire and bloody
They've had pipe dreams
To sharpen their teeth
And have taken cemeteries
As children's play parks
These children of the storm
And of uncertain days
Who had faces
Indented with hunger
Who have aged before their time
And grown up without help
Without touching the heritage
That love must have left them
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've seen anger
Smothering their songs
They've learnt to shut up
And to tighten their fists
When lying voices
Dictate their destinies.
Children of war
Aren't really children
They have a proud look
And their eyes are too big
They've seen misery
Covering over their tracks
And foreign hands
Slitting the throats of their springs
These children without a childhood
Without youth and without joy
Who shivered helplessly
With sorrow and cold
Who defied suffering
And silenced their turmoil
But lived in hope
Are like you and me
Lovers of misery
Unhappy lovers
To singular loves
To ever-changing dreams
Who look for the light
But fear it still
The lovers of the war
Are still children.