A woman has missed out on
Getting to scream and to moan
This beautiful madness has lost a chance to have her brief waist under my own
She has missed my way to hold her hand
She has missed my footprints in her sand.
I see a light full of doubts
Which threatens to shroud us in clouds
I see a dog barking up to the Moon with a figure that is reminiscent of mine
I see more I see that it missed me
I see more I see that it got lost.
Cowardice is a cover
For a man, not for a lover
Coward loves don't grow to be real loves
Nor even turn to stories, they simply stay there
Not even memories can save them
Not even the best of poets can.
An unnameable woman
Flees like a terrified pigeon
And I quickly dry off my old boots, go back to my own roots and turn back the clock
Love beware of me, dismiss me not
I can sing you the song that I've got.
A woman who's quite near
Like a painting by none but Chagall
Falling into the center of fear
And I who am not good burst in more than one tear
But then I was crying for myself
And now I cry for this woman's death
But then I was crying for myself
And now I cry for this woman's death.