One day you'll realize
That you don't need 99%
You take the extra weight and throw it away
Because it's better to travel with lightweight luggage
You look around in your living space
You see a cabinet of absurdities
You see the result of purchases and purchases of things you think you'll one day need
You see all the clothes that you've never worn and
that you never will wear
But they remain by you
So many spiderwebs and
So much junk
So much stress in Tupperware containers
And one day you'll realize
That you don't need 99% of it
So you take the extra weight
And throw it away
Because it's better to travel with lightweight luggage
With lightweight luggage
Not only a small plastic court, even
The army is made of scrap and neuroses
Grows on your soul
Ever hangs, ever more often
at your throat
How awesome the idea
To get rid of everything
Everything in a heap
With fuel and tinder
And it blazes
And burns so beautifully
A fire that can be seen for kilometres
And one day you'll realize
That you don't need 99% of it
So you take the extra weight
And throw it out
Because it's better to travel with lightweight luggage
With lightweight luggage
Starting today
Only the important things
Starting today
Only the important things
Starting today
Only the important things
Starting today
Only lightweight luggage
And one day you'll realize
It's not much what you truly need
So you take the extra weight
And throw it away
Because it's better to live
So much better
With lightweight luggage
All the dirt from yesterday
All the scars
All the bills lying around open for too long
Let them go,
Throw them away
Because it's better to travel
With lightweight luggage