She may be the first one whom
I will never be able to forget
My luck or the price I'll have to pay,
Her, the song born here,
Which someone has already sung,
The summer breeze that is now
In the first autumn on me...
Her, slavery, freedom,
Doubt, serenity,
Prelude to sunny or dark days
She will be the mirror where I
Will ponder over projects and ideas
The ultimate goal I'll have from now on.
Her, so important, so unique,
After the long solitude,
Intransigent and unpredictable,
She, perhaps the love I've been waiting for for too long, which,
From the shadows of the past, comes back to me,
To stay next to me for the rest of my life.
She, whom I'd never give up,
Surviving, next to her,
Years of fighting and adversities.
Her, smiles and tears from which
My dreams take shape,
Wherever she goes, I'd come
Step by step next to her,
Her, her.