For so long,
Lookin' in the faces
Wishing for a prince
Never satisfied
Yet nearby
[Catching every glance]
He was nearby
[Surveying, he was pleased]
She played along,
[He thought aloud, but said nothing]
She chose all
[yeah, here I am, open your eyes]
My ego yearns for more
Yet it's, never satisfied
My Castle of Legos fell to pieces
I'm in pieces
Well, okay
Go ahead and try
Become my God
That's enough...
[Pulsating through the walls of my head]
It's not okay
[Not insane nor a hero]
Throwing up
[It was time to sleep a hour ago]
I'm reborn
[Alone again, wipe your eyes!]
My ego yearns for more
Yet it's, never satisfied
My castle of Legos fell to pieces
I'm in pieces
The roaring winds of change
whispering the idea of
the light drenched in darkness
I lost everything, I mean everything
It doesn't matter
that there's no place to rest
We are building your home
from multicolored pieces
And the whole world together
We are in a virtual reality*
This house will be magnificent
And the world will be Mega
Though the avalanche
destroyed the House, it became clear
The second half
A two for one - both perfect
And awful - all in vain
She - a ticking-time bomb
Speaking of the Gifted Horse
She can only be thankful for what she's given
My ego yearns for more
Yet it's, never satisfied
My castle of Legos fell to pieces
I'm in pieces
The roaring winds of change
whispering the idea that
If I remain strong,
I'll start over, all over again!