Why do you choose again a difficult love?
my heart told you that he wasn't the one
you did as if you didn't know
in the end the result is obvious, you are hurt again
No matter how hard I approach you
I know I can't reach your heart
I know it well but
in your tears that are spreading in your eyes
a word is shaking
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
Your pretty face has been smeared with tears
you can't stop them immediately but
lean on me for a little bit
you only need to relieve your heart
Little by little the tremble in your hands grows
a word that directs you
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
I don't know who's next but
please don't meet with anyone this time
when you want to find some strength
sometimes look next to you
I will lend you my shoulder
today (lean) on me
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)
it's for the better
it only made it harder for you
Lean on me
you can meet a nice person
Just forget
don't cry like this
Lean on me
today on me (lean)