To make us shed our hangups
Oh joy, oh joy
We are given lessons about sex
Oh joy, oh joy
We learn the secret life
Of the worries of the nob
Or of those who think it's clever
To show their middle-leg
A very nice lady teacher
Explains all the mechanics to us
She says we are going to set the scene
Oh joy, oh joy
For the masculine equipment first
Oh joy, oh joy
She approaches the blackboard
Perhaps we’ll finally know
What is this holy monster which has so much power
And without hesitating she draws for us
The meat and two veg 1
Everything Everything Everything
You will know everything about the willy
The true, the false
The ugly, the beautiful
The hard, the soft
Who has a big neck
The fat and bushy
The little and chubby
The big and wrinkly
The bald mountain
Everything Everything Everything Everything
I will tell you everything about the willy
Willies come in all colours
Oh joy, oh joy
From the bakers to the chimney sweeps
Oh joy, oh joy
I have seen some impulsive ones
Climbing in the pants
I’ve seen less voracious ones
Dropping in the shoes
The one of a mechanic in distress
Who was never able to put the pieces back together
There’s the clean and tidy willy of the laundryman
Oh joy, oh joy
The one that's stiff and white, yeah right!
Oh joy, oh joy
I’ve seen the willy of a priest
With his little purple hat
Who in the middle of ascension
Kneels down
A rising of the willy at dusk
And the Pope’s one which blows bubbles 2
The muscled willy of the truck driver
Oh joy, oh joy
Recognised by his fat rolled collar
Oh joy, oh joy
I’ve seen the terrifying willy
Of a flying trapezist
Who teaches his little children the rigid bar
The alpinist and his fine ice-pick
Magnificent on top of the Grandes Jorasses
I’ve seen the willy of a little verger
Oh joy, oh joy
Who rings the Angelus with his hands behind his back
Oh joy, oh joy
The one of a Breton sailor
Which had lost its pompoms
And the one of a wealthy jew
Which was measuring cloth
The one of an ambulance nurse
Which flashed in cases of emergency
I’ve seen the little willy of the aristocrats
Oh joy, oh joy
Which is always on the brink of embargo
Oh joy, oh joy
I’ve rolled pastry
With my husband’s
With a chinaman’s
I have even cracked nuts
With a willy of uncertain morals
I’ve even made traditional sweetbreads
1. literally "the little thing and the two orphans"2. faire des bulles - makes bulles as in papal bulls Or blows bubbles