Bernadette, is great
And her cousin is divine
But her cousin, is unhealthy
I would even say that he is good for nothing
Noémie is very pretty
Less than Zoé, but more than Nathalie
Anatole is frivolous
Mr Gaston is at the telephone
Gaston; here's the telephone that rings
But there is never someone to answer it
Gaston; here's the telephone that rings
But there is never someone to answer it
Marie-Louise, it is exquisite
Marie-Thérèse, it is obese
Marie-Berthe, is expert
Via her aunt Artémise's enterprise.
Edouard smokes the cigar
And Léonard has a black beard
Léontine cooks the food
Mr Gaston is at the telephone
Gaston; here's the telephone that rings
But there is never someone to answer it
Gaston; here's the telephone that rings
But there is never someone to answer it
Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non,
Gaston the telephone rings
Maybe... only if it is important